11 December 2007

Great contest for those affected by UC!!!

The CCFA has launched a new essay contest sponsored by P&G Pharmaceuticals to honor those affected by UC (patients, family/friends and healthcare providers). I encourage all of this blogs readers to submit an essay! Here is the press release:

Nationwide program honors, educates and inspires those affected by ulcerative colitis

New York, NY - December 6, 2007 – For the more than half a million Americans living with ulcerative colitis – a painful and unpredictable disease of the digestive tract – and the families, friends and health care providers who support them, leading a normal everyday life can be a challenge. To recognize their achievements, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, in partnership with Procter & Gamble (P&G) Pharmaceuticals, have launched Celebrating UC Success, a program that seeks to honor, educate and inspire those affected by ulcerative colitis through the motivational words of those who are successfully living with the disease. To encourage the sharing of stories, the program includes a contest which is open to all touched by ulcerative colitis, including patients, family, friends and health care providers.

“Ulcerative colitis can be a very challenging and at times embarrassing condition, and we hope that through the sharing of success stories, patients, their families and health care providers can learn from and inspire each other,” says Kimberly Frederick, Vice President of Patient & Professional Services, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. “The Foundation is pleased to partner with P&G Pharmaceuticals to launch Celebrating UC Success and recognize those who have inspirational stories to help others meet the challenges of their disease. We really want people to know they are not alone in dealing with this condition.”

Strength in sharing
Many patients, especially at initial diagnosis, find it difficult to talk about the disease with family, friends and coworkers. But some people living with ulcerative colitis say that being open about the condition is an important first step in taking control.

“When I was first diagnosed, I was shocked. Here I was, a grad student, a new dad, an active athlete – and I didn’t know if ulcerative colitis would take all of that away from me,” says Josh Reineke, a UC patient who is also a nationally competitive triathlete. “A friend of mine confided in me that he too had the condition, and my world just opened up. I saw fewer limits and more possibilities. Through the support of my family, sticking to a healthy diet and taking my medications as prescribed by my physician, I am living my life beyond my UC.”

Today, Josh works with gastroenterology research leader, P&G, to help educate the ulcerative colitis community about the condition and how he manages his disease to reduce its impact on his quality of life.

“We believe ulcerative colitis success stories can help inspire patients to work with their health care provider to gain better control of their disease,” says Dan Hecht, General Manager - NA Pharmaceuticals of P&G. “It is important that we empower UC patients to achieve their personal goals – whether it be to make it through the day at work or participate in a triathlon. We’re thrilled to be helping bring this program to fruition.”

About the Contest
Entrants can submit essays of 200 words or less for one of three categories: UC Patients, Supportive Family Members/Friends and Health care Providers. Grand Prize winners will receive a trip for two to the Foundation’s National Advocacy Conference “IBD Day on the Hill,” to be held in May 2008 in Washington, D.C. Finalists from the Celebrating UC Success program will be recognized during a reception as individuals who have taken significant steps to manage their disease and who are inspiring to others. Every applicant will be recognized for their entry in the Celebrating UC Success contest and will receive a complimentary one-year membership to the Foundation.

Information about the Celebrating UC Success program and entry forms for the essay contest are available at physicians’ offices and www.ucsuccess.org.

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