"A weakness can serve as your greatest strength." From the day that I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis I began to live under the philosophy that I can draw strength from my "weakness." I am young and lead a very active lifestyle as a professor, triathlete, husband and father. However, there have been many moments in which it was difficult to find any strength. This blog was developed to help others with ulcerative colitis, or similar conditions such as Crohn's, get through those hard times knowing that a healthy and active lifestyle can be maintained. Therefor this blog may serve as a motivator, a reminder, an example and/or a simple indicator that we are not alone.
The blog name, Vitae Euphoros, is Latin and has the following meaning. Vitae, quite simply, means life. Euphoros, in origin, meant of good health. Over time, however, the meaning of euphoros changed to mean happiness and eventually gave rise to the modern English word euphoria. Vitae Euphoros embodies having a happy and healthy life, something that can seem impossible with ulcerative colitis. I wanted to share my experience in achieving a happy and healthy lifestyle with ulcerative colitis and help others realize this same goal.