When talking to other individuals with UC, the issue of stress often enters the conversation. It is well known that stress can induce a flare in the disease. Stress has been indicated to worsen or even cause many maladies involving the immune system. It follows from this that some hypothesize that stress is a cause of UC. This has not been proven (and in my opinion, not likely), but it certainly effects the progression of the disease.
Without boring readers with all the details, I will say that there are plenty of stresses in my life. Although I am very happy with all aspects of my life, work, family and training all present a high level of stress in my life. After all, who doesn't have stress? For those of us with UC we need to take measures to reduce stress. I have mentioned in other blog entries many things that help me reduce the stress in my life including many understanding individuals, exercise and speaking openly about UC.
Reduce the stress and suffer less!